About Me
Hey there! I’m Tina Tsai.

Long story short – I’m a foodie that loves eating yummy and healthy (for the most part). Having grown up in an Asian household in the United States (Atlanta, Georgia to be exact), I love creating and eating both Asian dishes and also American dishes.
Long story long(?) – I moved to the States from Kaohsiung, Taiwan when I was 4 years old, and grew up in the ‘burbs of Atlanta, Georgia. My mom raised me as a single parent and somehow still made sure to cook delicious meals pretty much every day (which I learned a lot of my cooking from). So I pretty much grew up LOVING food (and all of my friends can tell you that!) But the most interesting part I feel, is that these delicious meals, are also almost always healthy! So I grew up eating real food with real ingredients that are tasty too.
Fast forward to 2013, I said, why not start blogging about my favorite thing in the world? And boom! Oh Snap! Let’s Eat! was born. So, this is my food blog where I share yummy, and usually healthy recipes and food tips or products with everyone out there interested in the same thing.
Also on other news – in my free time I’m spoiling my puppy dog – Simba, the Chipoo (He’s a chihuahua poodle mix)! You will see him often on my social media! Here’s a pic of him:

Want to contact me? No problem! Just head over to the Contact form here and send me a message!
P.S. If you are looking for more information about my recipes – there are paleo, keto, whole30, gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan ones! So be sure to check the ingredients list before you make anything if you are concerned!
About the Team

Hi, I’m Kate!
My journey to food started in high school when I got my first job in a small health food store. I learned about where food came from, how it affected our bodies, and all the different diets people recommended as “the best”. Vegan, raw, paleo, keto, vegetarian. I’ve tried them all in search of finding what made me feel the best. Somewhere between paleo and keto is where I’ve settled.
I’m married now with four kids to feed, so my priorities have changed over time. I want food that isn’t just healthy but tastes amazing. Kids don’t care how many carbs something has in it, just if it’s delicious. I spend most my time in the kitchen making up my own recipes and I love sharing them here. No cuisine is off limits. When I’m not cooking, I’m in my garden trying to grow food, taking pictures, or thinking up my next meal.

Hi! I’m Chrissy.
I've been a contributor to Oh Snap! Let's Eat! for over a year now, and I absolutely love that it gives me the chance to do some of my favorite things in the world all at once -- cooking, photography, writing and teaching. I've been a writer in one way or another for my entire life; I even went to college for journalism. But my journey with food starts a little more recently.
The first time I really started thinking about what I put in my body was when I watched the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead in 2015 and decided to participate in the Reboot With Joe program. Since then I have spent a lot of time researching and reading about juicing, clean eating and The Paleo Diet — and it's opened up so many new doors for me as far as eating and feeling better goes.
Now I love to cook and come up with new recipes, especially when I get to take photos of my work and share them with the world to inspire and educate. When I’m not in the kitchen I love reading, writing, makeup artistry and having new adventures with friends.

Hello, my name is Jaclyn and I have more pictures of food on my phone than my dog or boyfriend. Is that bad?
I am a foodie and have been since I was old enough to reach the kitchen counter, albeit while standing on a chair! I fell deeper in love with food when I spent a year and a half traveling in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Central America. You’ll find I borrow many seasonings from my traveling experiences and create dishes that pack a lot of flavor.
In my early 20s I was vegan and focused on eating sustainable and local products. Eating organic and clean foods made my body feel fantastic and while I am no longer a complete vegan, I have continued my effort to only eat sustainable and organic products that nourish my body.
I’m super excited to be contributing to Oh Snap! Let’s Eat and am inspired to share my flavorful recipes for sustainable anda healthy eating. While most of my recipes are Paleo, I will warn you that my boyfriend is obsessed with cheese and my guilty pleasure is crusty bread. It works because I’m lactose intolerant and he is gluten free. I’ll always denote when a recipe has optional deviations from the Paleo diet. Using ingredients from my own personal garden, the farmer’s market and local butchers, I bring recipes that span the globe and nourish the soul.

Hiya, Holly here!
I’m a novice cook that loves experimenting with tasty low carb recipes. I was introduced to the ketogenic diet (restricting carbohydrate intake to about 20g daily) in 2015 and have since fallen in love with it. Initially I adopted the diet to lose extra pounds (which it helped me do very easily), but I’ve now adopted it as a way of life rather than a temporary fix. My energy levels are through the roof, my food addiction is under control, and I can eat my favorite foods (cheese and chicken wings, anyone?) without gorging myself or fearing weight gain. I’m not qualified to talk about how the diet may benefit those with certain health conditions, but it’s worth looking into if blood glucose management and other diet-related health conditions concern you.
While I have no intention of returning to a conventional American diet, I must admit there are some things I really miss… namely pizza, pasta and rice. My recipes featured here are some of my successful experiments (I’ll spare you the countless pseudo-carb failures!) that make great alternatives to carb-dense meals, whether you’re looking to adopt the ketogenic diet, gradually lower your carb intake or simply try something new. Though the principles behind keto and paleo are quite different, there are many overlaps with ingredients and I hope you find my tips to be useful in whatever approach to nutrition you take!