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Cantonese Style BBQ

Cantonese Style BBQ

If you are a fan of Asian food, meat, and yummy food, and you haven’t tried Cantonese BBQ yet, go yelp up the closest one near you and take a visit!  This trip I had to Ming’s BBQ was pretty successful.  We ordered a platter “Special Side BBQ” with 3 types of meats (left to right of photo above):

Cantonese BBQ

Cantonese BBQ

  • Roast Pork (脆皮火肉)
  • Roast Duck (脆皮火鴨)
  • Honey BBQ Pork (蜜汁叉燒)

I absolutely love Roast Pork, as it’s got a perfect mix of crunch and meatiness, but the Roast Duck and Honey BBQ Pork was quite tasty also.  The only complaint I had of that day was that they put a bit toooooo much BBQ sauce on so it was a bit too sweet/saucy/salty… but some people love that!
Along with all the meat, we also ordered a Eggplant with Garlic Sauce (recipe here).  Not everyone loves eggplants, but a lot of people that have tried this dish like it!

Eggplant in Garlic Sauce

Eggplant in Garlic Sauce (魚香茄子)

Sharing is caring!

Fun Facts about Eggplants! | Oh Snap! Let's Eat!

Tuesday 15th of January 2013

[...] Chinese eggplants have a thinner skin and are less bitter as it has less seeds (the seeds are what makes an eggplant slightly bitter).  Here’s a delicious chinese eggplant dish I recommend: Eggplant in Garlic Sauce (魚香茄子). [...]

You think you know eggplants and love/hate them… « Oh Snap! Let's Eat!

Monday 27th of August 2012

[...] makes an eggplant slightly bitter).  Here’s a delicious chinese eggplant dish I recommend: Eggplant in Garlic Sauce (魚香茄子). Japanese [...]


Saturday 11th of August 2012

This is one thing I love about Asian food. Perfectly seasoned which makes it so flavorful. You have a lovely food blog. Have a great day and thank you for following me. You made me happy :)


Thursday 2nd of August 2012

I love eating and travelling, too bad I can't do it yet :( great blog and amazing pictures :D Keep up the great work.


Thursday 2nd of August 2012

I cant' travel every often either! (Costs lots of money!) but eating... now I do that everyday :) Thanks for stopping by!