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Perfect Paleo Gifts for Paleo Friends and Family

Perfect Paleo Gifts for Paleo Friends and Family

If you have any friends and family members that are following the paleo diet, you may want to buy them presents that are fit for their lifestyle! There are actually plenty of great gift ideas to pick from including kitchenware, cookbooks, fitness gear, and even presents you can make yourself! Here’s my list of Paleo Gifts for Paleo Friends and Family.

Paleo Gifts for Paleo Friends and Family

If you have any friends and family members that are following the paleo diet, you may want to buy them presents that are fit for their lifestyle! There are actually plenty of great gift ideas to pick from including kitchenware, cookbooks, fitness gear, and even presents you can make yourself! Here's my list of Paleo Gifts for Paleo Friends and Family.

Spice Mixes

Paleo Gifts
Gingerbread Spice Mix by

A healthy way of approaching cooking is less salt, more spices.  That is why a lot of paleo recipes include a good spice mix.  So help out your paleo buddy by making a spice mix for them!

The steps are pretty similar to the one before, just mix up all the difference spices, put it in a mason jar, cap and ribbon and you’re done.  Here are some good ones to try:

Beyond The Whiteboard

This gift is for CrossFitters.  Beyond The Whiteboard is a website that helps you:

  • Plan your workouts
  • Log your workouts and progress
  • Analyze your results

So if your giftee is a big CrossFit fan, they might enjoy getting a subscription to this website!

Hate all of those?  Here’s a really cool one!

Herb Garden

A lot of paleo and real food recipes call for yummy herbs.  Instead of always running to the store for fresh herbs, this Indoor Herb Garden would help paleo friends have it at their finger tips at all times!

That’s all the ideas I have… for now! Do you have any good ones I’m missing? Let me know in the comments below!

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Jessica @ Delicious Obsessions

Friday 13th of December 2013

Great list! Thanks for featuring my curry powder recipe! :)


Friday 13th of December 2013

No problem! Happy Holidays!!

Melissa "Melicious" Joulwan

Thursday 12th of December 2013

This is an awesome list. Thank you so much for including Well Fed and my Spiced Nuts recipes in your recommendations. Happy, happy, merry, merry to you!


Thursday 12th of December 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too! Can't wait to check out Well Fed 2! :)