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10+ Delicious Chinese Pork Recipes

10+ Delicious Chinese Pork Recipes

Pork is a very popular meat in Chinese cuisine. In fact, it's actually the most popular meat consumed! That's probably why there are so many delicious Chinese Pork recipes. Here are 10+ tasty ones to try.

Pork, the other white meat

Have you ever heard of this phrase? Fun fact - pork, though it's color is more white, it's actually technically / scientifically considered to be white meat! It's actually a red meat.

We cook with pork a lot, as we enjoy switching it up when we cook, so we will cook with beef, chicken, pork, and lamb as our main meat dish quite often.

Usually we will also have a seafood dish and a veggie dish and eat everything family style. This dish already has the meat and veggies so it’s pretty great for a one dish entrée also.

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I know you probably won't end up making all of them at once - so why not pin for later!

Chinese Pork Recipes

Delicious Chinese Pork Recipes!

If you're looking for even more Chinese pork recipes - be sure to check out all of them here!

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